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Embedding Firebase + Mixpanel (iOS)
Written by Marat Zhanabekov
Updated over a week ago

Firebase (Notification Service)

  1. Make sure that you’ve implemented Firebase Cloud Messaging SDK according to this instruction.

  2. Pay your attention and implement the first three paragraphs of this part of the instruction (in case you disable the method swizzling, the paragraph about disabled method swizzling is also mandatory).

  3. Make sure that the app resolves images in push notifications.

Mixpanel (Integrate Analytics)

  1. There are 2 ways to send a push_token to Mixpanel: via event + event_property, or via user_property:

    1. [Recommended]. Implement setting a user_property push_token using the identify method

    2. Implement sending event push_token with custom event property push_token in Amplitude.

  2. We strongly recommend triggering the push_token event logging on EVERY app start, not as a didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken callback!

    NOTE. In case you use Firebase Push SDK, make sure that you send Firebase registration id (which is also referred to as fcmToken in code examples). Do not confuse it with the APNS push token. The one we need looks like this:

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