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[Firebase] Link Firebase and BigQuery (to enable event export)
[Firebase] Link Firebase and BigQuery (to enable event export)
Written by Kirill Slobodianiuk
Updated over a week ago

1. Go to the Firebase console --

2. Go to Project Settings -> Integrations tab and make sure that there is enabled integration with Google Analytics. If it is not, press Enable button

3. On the appearing window, choose the data location (we recommend the United States (!)) and choose all the checkboxes. Press Enable Google Analytics button

4. Now we need to link Firebase and BigQuery accounts, to make event export available. Go back to the Project Settings -> Integrations tab. Press the Link button inside the BigQuery plate

5. On the appeared window press Next

6. On the next step, enable the Google Analytics export feature. Choose the region for your data (we recommend any of us-east regions (!)). Make sure that you've enabled Daily, Streaming and Include advertising identifiers checkboxes in the Export setting part.

If you're using Firebase free plan and see that warning:

Data stopped flowing to BigQuery because your project reached the sandbox storage limit. To access more storage, upgrade to Blaze and leave the sandbox.

We strongly advise upgrading to Blaze (pay-as-you-go) Firebase plan. It enables streaming data export and removes the 10 GB storage limit.

In our experience, enabling the Firebase Blaze plan incurs on average about $0.2 per 1.000.000 events monthly cost.

There is another Firebase limit of 1.000.000 events/day. If your app reached this limit, simply turn off the Daily export and turn on Streaming:

7. After that, scroll a little bit down and enable the Cloud Messaging feature. Again choose the region for your data (we recommend any of us-east regions (!)).

That's it, press the Link to BigQuery button

8. To find the stream_id parameter, navigate back to the Integrations tab of the Project Settings and click the Manage button under the Google Analytics section:

Locate the app you want to add within the table and copy the stream_id

You're all set!

* Please note that there might be additional charges related to data export via BigQuery. We recommend that you review Firebase and BigQuery pricing policies beforehand.

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